Posted on May 24th, 2021. Author: Dahlia Abou El Hassan, MScFN, RD

Women who are undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be on many medications, injections, supplements, and vitamins. Couple that with all the tests, blood work and ultrasound and things can get extremely overwhelming.
Depending on what you are seeking treatment for, there are certain supplements or vitamins that are recommended to help you in areas such as improving egg quality, improving embryo implantation rates, or supporting embryo and fetus development.
Here are some of the common supplements and key vitamins that support people on their IVF journey:
Prenatal: Taken by those who are starting to, or even trying to conceive. Contain many key vitamins and minerals needed to support healthy pregnancy and fetal development.
Folic acid: Reduced neural tube defects and supports embryo and fetal development. Very important in early stages of pregnancy. It is also associated with higher embryo implantation rates.
Coenzyme Q10: Enhances egg quality and improves ovarian response for egg retrieval.
Vitamin D: Associated with higher embryo implantation rates and higher IVF success rates.
Vitamin E: Increases cervical mucous, supports blood flow to uterus and increase endometrial thickness,
Omega 3 DHA: Associated with higher embryo implantation rates, improved embryo quality and decreases premature labour.
Magnesium: Supports reproductive hormones and is associated with higher embryo implantation rates.
Not everyone needs all these supplements and vitamins and some may not apply if you are pursuing egg donor IVF. Fertility support groups are a great way to share your experiences, but make sure you are not taking supplement tips and recommendations from anyone who is not a regulated health professional such as Dietitians of Physicians. Everyone is on their unique fertility journey and may be on other medications that could interact with certain supplements. Ensure that you get a personalized supplement recommendation from your healthcare professional.
NOTE: This blog is for general information purposes only and does not replace individualized advice provided to you by your specific healthcare professional such as Dietitian or Physician.